User: j1230xz

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User profile: j1230xz

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User name:j1230xz
Number of posts:10
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copy code and execute
i tried it... new console ->paste the code ->and voila it works..... appreciate it man a lot - i...

copy code and execute
ahmmm thanks a lot... i will definitely try with a new console app :) [quote]The copying should be ...

copy code and execute
[quote]I'll try that (but that isn't the code you actually posted);[/quote] you can try with the ...

copy code and execute
[quote] guestgulkan (985) Nov 3, 2009 at 9:25pm Works for me. [/quote] Do you use some compile...

copy code and execute
Ok so this is what i mean. this is the c++ code of the function foo [code] static void foo() ...

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