User profile: isom03

User info
User name:isom03
Location:Bellingham, Wa
Bio:Attend Western Washington University and am taking some intro c++ class
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Number of posts:8
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Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I am trying to read values from a txt file into an array in order to find their mean, median, and st...

Yo I need help!!!
Aight thanks for helping me out man I appreciate they help

Yo I need help!!!
These were my guidelines for the assignment 1. Begin a simple program that will ask the user for so...

Yo I need help!!!
Lol the name of that array was pretty funny... but thank you for your help I appreciate it. The prog...

Yo I need help!!!
I understand how you are like assigning each word to a spot in the array but how would you do this w...