User: irishbrian

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User profile: irishbrian

User info
User name:irishbrian
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Nothing to Build
You have to actually build the project before you can run it ... I think its ctrl+b in Eclipse. Try ...

Getting a calcluated value into an array index using a pointer ... ?
Hi I'm working through a finance book which is doing something rather simple, which I could proba...

Help for a Beginner!
What are you looking for? A different editor with a better presentation? Most editors will give yo...

Int Variable given a random value
@Kooth You were right the first time, I think it was with my loop declaration. I was thinking it ...

Int Variable given a random value
@kooth Perhaps my indexing is wrong, I'll have to double check when I get home. Question thoug...

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