User: inf2405

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User profile: inf2405

User info
User name:inf2405
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

While loops
Hi, I have to compare Euler, Heun's and Runge Kutta for different step sizes. I have done this by u...

Runge- Kutta Method
Hello, I am supposed to implement the Runge Kutta Method of order 4 for a scalar first-order ordina...

Make a table for each value of I (loop)
@lastchance thanks for reminding me. Now the deviations seem much more reasonable.

Make a table for each value of I (loop)
@jonnin What I want to do is make a table that shows the values that i takes, then the values of xi ...

Make a table for each value of I (loop)
Hi, I have to implement a code that uses two different approximations of the integration of a func...

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