User: icyflamez96

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User profile: icyflamez96

User info
User name:icyflamez96
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

File deletes contents after closing program when it should stay saved.
I used it but it didn't help. I edited it a bit but now it deletes scores one by one every time I ...

File deletes contents after closing program when it should stay saved.
I initially had it so that the contents stored in the names & scores files would save even after clo...

How can you check if the user inputs the same char more than once in a string?
Thank you!

How can you check if the user inputs the same char more than once in a string?
So say you're having the user input a string like: getline(cin,str); How could you check for i...

Help with figuring out what's wrong with my game? (Mastermind)
I'm coding up a game called mastermind. It's in a really simple state. Basically there are four spot...

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