User: iTzBigRed

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User profile: iTzBigRed

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User name:iTzBigRed
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Please help with for loops
ah okay thanks guys you both been a lot of help! I got it all to work!

Please help with for loops
well my teacher neem teaching us using C and not C++ so i dont want her to take points off for using...

Please help with for loops
Hello for a homework assignment I have to write two "for loops" one to get user inputted data and on...

Arrays with while loop help (homework)
[code] #include <stdio.h> int customers; int customersNumber; int sales; int main() { printf("how...

Arrays with while loop help (homework)
[code] #include <stdio.h> #include int printinfo int addinfo(int customerNumber, sales); int main(v...

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