User profile: huzhanchi

User info
User name:huzhanchi
Location:henan province
Bio:i am very interested in program
Joined:Oct 17, 2009 at 1:31pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

array initialization problem
After i have a try ,i find the std::vector is very strong.(thanks also to firedraco )

array initialization problem
thank you. you usually give me the answer and more than this.

array initialization problem
hi everyone! [code]int num=6; int s[num];[/code] the compiler says:'s'unknown size.why this...

who can give me some advice about learning c++?
thanks,i think i should do a lot work on the standard library.

Array question
hi JRevor [code]int p[2]; p = {1,0};[/code] "p"is a const pointer that point to the first adr...