User profile: horace5563333

User info
User name:horace5563333
Name:Wong Ho-yin
Location:Hong Kong
Bio:I love Chinese astrology, which is more accurate than science.
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Number of posts:25
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How to let user press enter to stop? Can printf be used to print out variable?
kempofighter, thx for your advice. But how can create multithread? Can just MS Visual C++ 6.0 d...

How to let user press enter to stop? Can printf be used to print out variable?
Majidkamali, your code will show the following output: [code]Y/*enter*/X/*enter*/Y/*enter*/X/*ente...

How to let user press enter to stop? Can printf be used to print out variable?
Actually, my code is like this: [code]for(;;){ cout << "X\bY\b"; // I want to keep showing "...

How to let user press enter to stop? Can printf be used to print out variable?
Thx for telling me the mistake. However, the code [code]ch = getch()[/code] will stop the infinite...

How to let user press enter to stop? Can printf be used to print out variable?
From your answer, I got inspiration and wrote the below codes: [code]char ch; for(;;){ (......