User: histrungalot

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User profile: histrungalot

User info
User name:histrungalot
Joined:Sep 23, 2011 at 4:54pm
Number of posts:272
Latest posts:

Subtraction in a Linked List Calculator
Try something easy like: 12 - 3 then 3 - 12. Maybe [code]// Don't use the carry variable if ( sum...

Spectrogram Waterfall
I want to make a spectrogram waterfall. The question I have is what would be the best graphics libra...

files and streams project
Your class [code]Employee[/code] has a C++ string which is is a pointer to a structure that holds yo...

C++ Input data from file, specific format
@JLBorges - Looking at the code I see you use an explicit consturtor, is it nessarry and where in th...

[code]case 2 : tralse_A = 'n'; // Set value to 'n' so while loop check return false //tralse_B = 0;...

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