User: heraldo

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User profile: heraldo

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User name:heraldo
Number of posts:10
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Deleting records from txt file
is this the right codes for deleting a recoed on the text file. [code]void dlte(){ string li...

Help me please teach me how to delete a data on a txt file?
I'm doing a daily time record that record every inputed date on a txt file how will have an option o...

homework please help me
How will I add the existing content of the text file to the newly inputed date(hoursworked & minsWor...

Converting string from a txt file to int?
look sir at this program [code]#include <stdio.h> #include "conio.h" #include <iostream> #include <...

Converting string from a txt file to int?
sir dub1987 can you help me please to create a simple program that computes time like a Daily Time R...

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