User: heeyehan

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User profile: heeyehan

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User name:heeyehan
Number of posts:6
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Multiple conditions in if statement
Thank you to everyone that helped. I was able to fix my problem with bits and pieces of everyone's ...

Multiple conditions in if statement
I have "dumbed" down my if statement to if ( race != Romulan) and yet it keeps on getting accepted...

Multiple conditions in if statement
JLBorges: I tried that and I kept getting that Romulan is meeting the requirement. I appreciate the...

Multiple conditions in if statement
I also have the user inputting the race. cout << "Race (Human, Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan): "; c...

Multiple conditions in if statement
Hi Andy, I had Vulcan and Romulan as a int so I changed it to a string and added the quotes but it ...

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