User: harpnut

  • Public profile

User profile: harpnut

User info
User name:harpnut
Name:Ed Thompson
Location:Anacortes, WA
Bio:Going back to school after retiring from the navy to do something exciting and worth while. I've always had a lot of ideas, but not the knowledge to explore them, so now I'm changing that.

Previous experience with dBase III + and FoxPro. Working on learning about C++ predominantly, with database management / networking. I've been doing this via the "internet method" for now until my classes start covering programming. Enrolled with City University of Seattle.

Play blues harp and golf, and watching football. Oh, and I really get excited about being insulted by more experienced programmers in forums--really makes my day!
Number of posts:1
Latest posts:

can't link ws2_32.lib
I've been looking at this and other forums for three days, and see that this issue seems to come up ...

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