User: haoz

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User profile: haoz

User info
User name:haoz
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Catching both SIGTERM and SIGINT and exiting properly
I have seen those pages, although maybe I don't understand all of their content. [quote]Before you ...

Catching both SIGTERM and SIGINT and exiting properly
I am learning to use [code]sigaction[/code] to catch signals, and I have a few confusions to free up...

Assistance with structuring addition of HDF5 writer
[quote]Is there a public accessible description of those C APIs?[/quote] For HDF5? Yes, C and C++ A...

Assistance with structuring addition of HDF5 writer
My intention is not to rewrite that C++ wrapper. Rather, I think I need an interface to it. I mentio...

Assistance with structuring addition of HDF5 writer
I am working on the codebase of a simulation program. At the moment output of simulation timeseries ...

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