User: hakon

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User profile: hakon

User info
User name:hakon
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Filling up networkbuffer?
Hello I have a problem, which I think is because my network buffer gets filled up. The return from ...

Problems with winsock on Win7, not XP and Vista
Oh, it was commented in my code so I didn't see it here. Thanks for the help anyway :)

Problems with winsock on Win7, not XP and Vista
LilJoje: I know that, but since this is a one threaded console application I dont really see the poi...

Problems with winsock on Win7, not XP and Vista
[quote]# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft T...

Problems with winsock on Win7, not XP and Vista
kbw: Connect() returns SOCKET_ERROR, and WSAGetLastError gives me the code 10093 which means [quote...

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