User: haco

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User profile: haco

User info
User name:haco
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

html-related inquiries ...
you know what, that link actually looks like a great place to start. if i experience any problems, i...

html-related inquiries ...
i understand that this is a C++ website, but i need help with some html stuff. i think maybe someone...

issue with my 1st C++ program..
ah man.. i just figured out that the ONLY thing that was actually working for me was the system("PAU...

issue with my 1st C++ program..
hey yeah thanks for the moral support grcunning. good stuff. by the way ellimist14, did you say it w...

issue with my 1st C++ program..
yeah that worked Bazzy.. and thanks for the help eker676.. now all i have to do is wait to read abou...

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