User: grenoble12

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User profile: grenoble12

User info
User name:grenoble12
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

static counter and = operator
Yeah i tried to put that as clearly as possible but i dont think i really managed. Essentially i ...

Error's on overloaded operators = and +
Thanks peeps, Galik that makes a lot of sense and jsmith this isnt for homework, ive just found myse...

static counter and = operator
Im working on a class that has four different types. In the class i have static integers to act as ...

Error's on overloaded operators = and +
Right then, i'll set about removing the setters and getters. What situations are setters and getter...

Error's on overloaded operators = and +
Disch, I made the changes you suggest, but it now rather sadistically gives me six more errors: [...

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