User profile: greatme

User info
User name:greatme
Name:Gbenga Amusuyi
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Creating short cut to desktop folder , start up menu and programs menu
I am manually writing my own installer program for my windows application.Please how can I get my in...

Please, who can tell me where I can get practical help on using of html help workshop?
Please who can tell me where I can get or give me practical guide on the use of html help workshop. ...

Please, how can my windows installer configure add and remove software?
I am writing an installer for my windows application.I wish to know how I can configure window's Add...

Please, how can my windows installer configure add and remove software?
I am writing an installer for my windows application. I wish to know how I can get the installer to ...

Please, who can tell me how I can get a C/C++ routine that I can use to retrieve the hard disc serial number
As part of an anti-piracy scheme , I need a routine with which I can retrieve a system's hard disk s...