User: goti

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User profile: goti

User info
User name:goti
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

make Directory argv[]
sw=="-h" sw=="-help" sw=="-o" doesn't work, he compares to pointers use if (strcmp(sw, "-h") =...

Cant run my stuff on other's people pc's.
lookup for these files (in a directory called "redist") msvcm90.dll msvcp90.dll msvcr90.dll Micr...

why can't this array get past 3 without crashing?
the problem is here : [code] a = new int (size); [/code] this reserves memory for ONE int and in...

winapi begginer - how can i register a function as a callback to windows events?
i don't know if you're looking for this but if think you want to do this: [code] LRESULT CALLBACK ...

Reading a .txt into an array
Hello, you must convert the characters (the numbers in the file aren't numbers, they are characters...

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