User profile: froobymcdooby

User info
User name:froobymcdooby
Name:Ben McCann
Location:Santa Cruz
Bio:I'm a student at a community college. I'm hoping to transfer to a university, where I'll focus on game development. I'm currently working on a game engine in C++ with SDL. My hope is to use it to make a game that evokes strong emotions in the player. As a son of the generation raised by software, I feel that software development, especially game development, is an art form.

Don't worry, I know about the memory managements, I manage my memory all day long. I just have this huge god damn pile of memory that I just sit here managing 24/7.

My understanding of C++, Ruby, and Racket renders me capable of doing anything with them given the right tools. PHP and Javascript, I could do most things with them given the right tools, but I'd need some time to sit with them and remember how to use the languages. Java, I understand the basics, but I still have a lot to learn, particularly about the libraries. I'm currently learning MIPS assembly language, which probably isn't very useful. I'd like to learn Python.
Number of posts:2
Latest posts:

Virtual inheritance, constructing the base class
The most derived class? Even if a less derived class [i]already[/i] initializes the virtual base cla...

Virtual inheritance, constructing the base class
Hey, all. I'm new here, and I hope to be able to contribute a lot. I'm writing a game engine. It DO...