User: forfor

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User profile: forfor

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User name:forfor
Number of posts:5
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function not declared in this scope
confirmed, it's my compiler. I copy pasted the code into a different header file and now it works pr...

function not declared in this scope
Then all I can think is that it's a problem with my compiler because you basically just copy-pasted ...

function not declared in this scope
Here are the precise error codes: 8 40 C:\Users\forre\Desktop\Coding\Projects\Misc\Relearning\Main C...

function not declared in this scope
Run Power Of.cpp has nothing to do with anything. It's the source file for dubExponents which I alre...

function not declared in this scope
So, I'm making game frameworks for my own amusement, and I've hit a snag that I can't figure out. Th...

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