User: fiestaforesta

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User profile: fiestaforesta

User info
User name:fiestaforesta
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Help with C++ Homework assignment
I don't even know how to output the numbers given through the else if commands, I also have to round...

Help with C++ Homework assignment
I've led myself astray at this point, I'm just bewildered. Thanks for the explanation, I have replac...

Help with C++ Homework assignment
Why won't the code work? I went with sherringtonjr's idea : #include <windows.h> #include <iostream...

Help with C++ Homework assignment
wait, what does the i=___ represent? I have never used a for loop

Help with C++ Homework assignment
Okay. The program also wants me to ask the user for the lowest winter temp. for 10 consecutive years...

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