User: fcan1968

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User profile: fcan1968

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User name:fcan1968
Number of posts:5
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Loss of precision of the result when using sqrt function
Chervil, AbstractionAnnon, Resolved with your help. Thank you very much. Fatih

Loss of precision of the result when using sqrt function
I have re-written my code as follows and getting the same loss of precision. I am starting to think ...

Loss of precision of the result when using sqrt function
Here is my code. I do run Visual Studio on an MBP running under Bootcamp and in fact getting the "E...

Loss of precision of the result when using sqrt function
I am trying to write a program that calculates the distance between two points of which x and y coor...

static_cast<int> function
double amount; amount=34.87; int remainingAmount = static_cast<int(amount * 100); static_ca...

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