input problem/fscanf to int doesn't work correctly help please(fixed)Thanks Chervil it works now it was a random bug in the debugger but now it is working. (closed)
input problem/fscanf to int doesn't work correctly help please(fixed)Thanks for the reply, I just tried to make an Int in the function and then read the value into that ...
input problem/fscanf to int doesn't work correctly help please(fixed)Thanks for replying Chervil, The save file is called Save1.sav or with any other number behind it, i...
input problem/fscanf to int doesn't work correctly help please(fixed)If it can be done an other way that is also good. It doesn't have to be with scanf.
input problem/fscanf to int doesn't work correctly help please(fixed)Hello, I have tried to make a fileloader function but it didn't worked. I have searched this probl...
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