User: farahmand

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User profile: farahmand

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User name:farahmand
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

please help me : which is the best ?(CLI or MFC)
Thanks a lot to all. have a good time

please help me : which is the best ?(CLI or MFC)
thanks to kbw you know? i don't want to use C#.NET. i think C++ is a best Choice for my Applicatio...

please help me : which is the best ?(CLI or MFC)
thank you. Of course C++/CLI is so Easier than MFC Programming. i want to design a application that ...

please help me : which is the best ?(CLI or MFC)
Hi to All. i wanna design a professional software. Features : 1 : Direct Connection with SQL 2 :...

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