User: evgtun

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User profile: evgtun

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User name:evgtun
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Invoking c# dll function from managed c++
Damn it. I get error when i reference to dll 0x06798844 { "Could not load file or assembly 'QBLib,...

Invoking c# dll function from managed c++
Hello people. I need help invoking c# dll from managed c++. I have a String Export(); function in ...

Http post not working
wow. this actually worked. i thought it would also work with html form but i guess i was wrong. Tha...

Http post not working
yes its sais value in the code. its just mistype here. So still no tips for solution guys?

Http post not working
Hello guys. I am trying to post an HTML form to a .aspx webpage but the aspx page is not recieving t...

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