User: eves

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User profile: eves

User info
User name:eves
Number of posts:20
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++ operator?
changed the constructor to [code]// converts integer into a vector of type character bignum::bignum...

++ operator?
oh right, do you mean this? [code] // this function flips the order of a vector num // and returns t...

++ operator?
I'm using the default constructor [code]bignum::bignum() { }[/code] It's a small project so if I c...

++ operator?
@ hanst99 [code]void bignum:: operator++() { bignum one(1); (*this) = (*this) + one; }[/code...

++ operator?
When I run it on Xcode the program gives an error saying the thread stops at "bignum one(1)." Is the...

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