User: essoperagma

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User profile: essoperagma

User info
User name:essoperagma
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Pointer to file -> Pointer from file
i made some changes. now the first application is writing the addresses into the file. then calling ...

Pointer to file -> Pointer from file
i have made some search, may be i am wrong but i guess using mutex will solve my problem. is that an...

Pointer to file -> Pointer from file
hi,i have 2 application, one has some variables. this application writes the addresses of the variab...

Forms App---> SetPixel()
i am working on a forms application. so i dont have an identified "hwnd". i have used HWND hwnd; but...

Forms App---> SetPixel()
#include "stdafx.h" // empty #include "Form1.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <WinGD...

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