User profile: enigmatix

User info
User name:enigmatix
Name:S B
Number of posts:26
Latest posts:

Expose Only Certain Methods From DLL
Hi there, I'm writing a DLL and I have a bunch of classes. Some of which have virtual private or ...

Modifying wchar_t
Hey guys, Im attempting to modify a wchar_t but i get an access violation error. For example: [c...

Custom String Class
Hey guys, I want to try an write my own custom string class (for learning purposes) and I've been...

Troubles manipulating vector in two dimendions
You can use pointers to vectors, but that sort of defeats the purpose of using a vector. Vectors are...

WS_CHILD grayed out bar
Nevermind, I got it working. It involves intercepting two messages... [code] switch(msg) { ...