User: elvis0288

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User profile: elvis0288

User info
User name:elvis0288
Number of posts:38
Latest posts:

i have 5 source.txt in an 2D array i need to sort
my problem is that i use 2D array to store the information of each one of my source.txt so the first...

hi implement an stack using 2d arrays
hi my name is elvis and i am trying to do a project where i need to push 10 random numbers to my emp...

chaging from array int to array char
hi this is my code: [code]int getDelay() { int delay = 0; char buffer[255]; do { cou...

problems with arrays
yes man you help me a lot and i really appreciate it...

problems with arrays
thank you that make it works pefect but now i have a different problem... when i shot a target then ...

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