User: ellimist14

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User profile: ellimist14

User info
User name:ellimist14
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Some simple database questions
Okay so let me start by saying I have a pretty decent c++ base and very advanced logic skills. So wh...

issue with my 1st C++ program..
Yeah it's IDE. I use pico and I like it. I feel unix is alot better. But yeah I think that was why

That's the problem. We haven't learned structures yet. So I can't use them. Even if I knew how I'm n...

issue with my 1st C++ program..
Am I the only one that noticed it worked fine as was?

issue with my 1st C++ program..
Haha I can't tell if I sense sarcasm or not. All I was saying is if he's new, he might not notice th...

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