User: eliiofaddoul

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User profile: eliiofaddoul

User info
User name:eliiofaddoul
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

check if an array of char is filled correctly
I have to create a data member named number inside a class named account. The variable number is an ...

sum two quadratic polynomials
Okay @kevinkjt2000, to clear things up i will show the whole code. I am interested in the part in m...

sum two quadratic polynomials
hello. we were asked to Implement a class named Quadratic that represents second degree polynomials....

Code problem
i want to output the array in tabular form but when i run the code i get a strange number -85899346...

is an algorithm the same as a pseudo-code ?
Write your question here. so the teacher wants us to show her an algorithm for our code. is it the s...

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