User: eleazer215

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User profile: eleazer215

User info
User name:eleazer215
Joined:Sep 15, 2017 at 3:09am
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Convert String to Hexadecimal
Thanks men for the help, I already figure it out. In c++ if you declare a character as a long long t...

Convert String to Hexadecimal
Is there's a way that the hex value is in long long not in string?

Convert String to Hexadecimal
Hello, I want to convert a string to its equivalent hexadecimal value. I already convert the strin...

long long hex into long long array
Thanks for the information it helps me solve my problem :)

long long hex into long long array
I need help, I have a long long variable in hex. I want to convert them into a long long array so th...

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