User: ejhernandez381

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User profile: ejhernandez381

User info
User name:ejhernandez381
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

why is my output data wrong?
my program should output the following data: Tom Jones has 3 home runs and 5 hits. Tommy Lee h...

issues with getline and EOF
ok my program gives you the option to enter data manually or by file. my problem is I cannot figure...

why wont my program let me enter data
for the life of me Olysold I tried that earlier and it didnt work but I tried it again and sure enou...

Need help with my Structs
Thank you kooth I finally got to the point were I can compile after correcting other errors I had bu...

why wont my program let me enter data
I know I'm not using all my functions at this time but I need to test to make sure I can enter data ...

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