User: ehhartley

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User profile: ehhartley

User info
User name:ehhartley
Joined:May 1, 2008 at 9:25am
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Error with strings in constructor
Hi, a little help please! In addition to the constructors below there are also default constructo...

Conainers and sub-classes
That's sorted it, thanks very much. If you get chance can you explain what the -> does? Thanks

Conainers and sub-classes
OK, here's some code. I've only included the bits you need to understand the problem. There are 2...

Conainers and sub-classes
That does work to a certain extent. I have set the vector type to the base class, but this means ...

Conainers and sub-classes
Thanks but, sadly, I have to use a container from the STL. Any other suggestions? Thanks

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