User: dynamiclc

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User profile: dynamiclc

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User name:dynamiclc
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

void* assignment error
There's an error about the void type. @_@ The first run-time error occurs in the pushBack() (line 2...

void * unknown size error in C
Someone says I can try it like: [code]for (i = 0; i <= (v->iNumElement) - 1; i++) memcpy(&(((char*...

void * unknown size error in C
How to fix this error? [code]/* Data structure for Vector */ typedef struct { void* pvElement...

Use char in FindFirstFile() and FindNextFile() ?
Previous I use [tt][b]wchar_t[/b][/tt] because I'm using [tt][b]FindFirstFile()[/b][/tt] and [tt][b]...

How to pass a char* string parameter to a function
I have a function like this: [code] char* wchars_to_chars ( wchar_t* wchar_string ) ////////////...

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