User: dokfiler

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User profile: dokfiler

User info
User name:dokfiler
Number of posts:22
Latest posts:

"Windows application" disabled
Thx for the help Vexer. I'm using da2005 just to test a NxOgre project. Well I tested diferent...

"Windows application" disabled
My version of Visual C++ 2005 came with the template "Windows application" disabled. How can I en...

.lib files creation
Thx Bazzy. I'm telling this because in my Ogre3D project sometimes the lib files appears after it. ...

.lib files creation
Why the files .lib sometimes are created only after I run the project? For example I go into lib fo...

Performing Post-Build Event
Thanks. I will check the Post-Build Event, but I believe my problem is at files in system.

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