User profile: doilin

User info
User name:doilin
Bio:I am just a crazy teenager who decided that he would learn how to make a game one day. I can only make console applications, and am obsessed with operating systems (which is why I learned Assembly). My goal is to make a simple, text based operating system within four years. I'm not counting on it, though, considering that it's already been three since I learned.
Statistical data
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

Key Combinations
How do you do key combinations in C++? I know that backspace is '\b' and enter is '\r', but how woul...

void assignRandom(double *x, int n);
[code]std::cout << assignRandom << endl;[/code] There's your problem. The function doesn't return...

Trying to add 'backspace' Functionality to my Text Editor
I have a text editor that uses the 'getch' function. I did this simply because 'std::cin' would not ...

How to put a number in dollar format
I edited my last post quite a lot. Sorry about that, but it should be working perfectly now. :)

How to put a number in dollar format
[code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; // I usually d...