User: dkg123

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User profile: dkg123

User info
User name:dkg123
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

the good ol EXPECTED unqualified ID before 'public'
Also, sorry about the wack indentations....this is sample code. Thanks again everyone.

the good ol EXPECTED unqualified ID before 'public'
Source code from the previous project. Apparently there is supposed to be a bit of synergy between t...

the good ol EXPECTED unqualified ID before 'public'
Here's as far as I made it. Still throwing mad errors..... [code]#include <iostream> #include <...

the good ol EXPECTED unqualified ID before 'public'
this error has my program completely hung code in q: [code]#include <iostream> #include <st...

Question about for loop
Got it going. Thanks again.

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