User: dingdongdong

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User profile: dingdongdong

User info
User name:dingdongdong
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

How to load strings into dynamic array and concatenate them?
Updated OP with new code, that takes each word and puts it into a dynamic array, I still need help t...

How to load strings into dynamic array and concatenate them?
Write your question here. [code] #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using ...

Pass by reference help
Write your question here. [code] // PartialSum.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console a...

BMI calculator help
I fixed it, the positive portion works, but if I do "-1.5" it automatically adds, I assume because i...

BMI calculator help
Hi, thank you for the response, I removed cin >> NegBMI and cin >> PosBMI, when I do the math, I get...

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