User: dimensiondoesgaming

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  • dimensiondoesgaming

User profile: dimensiondoesgaming

User info
User name:dimensiondoesgaming
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Program is looping too many times
I've been playing and playing, but I can't get my program to loop quite correctly, I need getSize() ...

How to assign questions in loop?
If I was to do it, I would write all my questions into a different string (globally) and then write ...

trying to store a changing variable using str::size in a seperate variable
Back again, I'm trying to get the size of 'str' by the .size function. I have an int variable to sto...

hangman help
I've tried small and capital. And okay, I'll play around with making 'a' a char instead

hangman help
So I have: [code] String answer; String a; cin>>answer; cin>>a; If(answer[0]=='a'){ ...

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