User: dextermovies

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User profile: dextermovies

User info
User name:dextermovies
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

A simple question ( I think )
How do you make a comand to be executed if the user has suffient privileges to do so using a my sql ...

error LNK2019
I can search all files, should I post a link to source code ? Andno I have no clue how to check the ...

error LNK2019
How do I find where the redfs are ? Some of them can not be found in the file it says the redef is i...

error LNK2019
How do I figure out what I forgot to link ? This is not my code, it is actually from ProjectXI I am ...

error LNK2019
Here are the errors, Note I had to remove several referenced errors due to length of the post: [out...

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