User: deftpaw

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User profile: deftpaw

User info
User name:deftpaw
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Parsing through delimited text file, increment not working for me
Thank you so much. Would there be a way to do this without using the string library?

Parsing through delimited text file, increment not working for me
Hi there, I am to read a txt file about cars and without using structs or arrays, obtain the coun...

How to find all element of a struct inside a range of dates
Hi there, I am making a task manager program, and I am stuck on one function I need for it. I need ...

Troubles with array and menu for a library
Hi, I've been troubleshooting this for hours, and I really am confused as to what I am doing wron...

Printing a minimum value from an array in a text file
Thank you so much, this helps a ton!

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