User: dbridle

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User profile: dbridle

User info
User name:dbridle
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Vector<string> issues in release, not debug
It was trying to put data into the vector for a file stream that contained no data, because the path...

Vector<string> issues in release, not debug
This is resolved, aparently I can't use ./ for the parent directory, I have to specify the full path...

Vector<string> issues in release, not debug
It does not get to lines 13, 15, 17 and 19. It crashes on the vector call.

Vector<string> issues in release, not debug
Its hard to put a title on this issue, but I hope thats ok! I have the following code (Please for...

Finding the size of a stream (LPSTREAM)
Thank you that worked perfect!

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