User: db863

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User profile: db863

User info
User name:db863
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Completely Confused: Sending Hex Values
Thanks for your reply :) Not sure I write understand the last 2 paragraphs. I'm actually using VVC...

Completely Confused: Sending Hex Values
MFC is a business requirement for the code I am working on. The socket side of things is OK. It se...

Completely Confused: Sending Hex Values
Hi, I need to build up a message which is to be sent down a TCP socket, but I am completely confu...

TCP Sockets
Hi, I am fairly new to C++ so go easy on me on this one :) If question this is not complex enoug...

Understanding C++'Variants'
Cool. Thanks for your reply :) Very much appreciated!

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