User: daveD

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User profile: daveD

User info
User name:daveD
Location:South Africa
Bio:Work as C++ programmer on windows mobile application at the moment..
Number of posts:45
Latest posts:

Code for slotMachine on VB 2008 pls HELP
Private Sub Command1_Click() MsgBox "no" End Sub

Mountain biking, football (soccer), swimming, squash. And of course the xbox ensures my thumb-biceps...

My program appears like this..instead of that..
[code] cout << "Hello BLah blaH!" << endl; cout << "Bblah blah blablabla" << endl; [/code] ...

My first program just exits?
[code] cout << " Multiplied by two then.. "; cout << z; cout << " Multiplied by two AGAIN t...

My first program just exits?

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