User: darkstone knight

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User profile: darkstone knight

User info
User name:darkstone knight
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

connect four crashed...
thanks however, when i drop someting in row 0, the field looks someting like this: [code]0 , 1...

sum of diagonals in 4*4 array
[code]int array[3][3]; int sum; for ( int count = 0 ; count < 4 ; count++ ) { sum += array[count]...

connect four crashed...
it wont crash now, but when i enter stuff, int place2 apears at field[7][4] (or [8][5], depending o...

connect four crashed...
so i should change all != into < sings?

connect four crashed...
below is my code it compiles whitout errors, but when i run it, it crashes at wincheck () first ...

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