User: danthehat

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User profile: danthehat

User info
User name:danthehat
Name:Dan Cowsill
Bio:College programming student

...or am I?
Joined:Oct 20, 2008 at 3:45am
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Compiler & Portability
[code]#include "stdafx.h" // needed by VC++[/code] Not necessarily. If you use the Win32 console...

C++ input/output surface area
You're going to need to think about how the text file are going to be structured to get an idea of h...

TIMER problem
You might also find the Boost library useful in this regard.

How to get string from a file terminating with another string
Hey aakashjohari, You're on a forum belonging to one of the best C++ reference sites on the net. ...

Asio: Synchronous? Asynchronous?
Thanks for the reply. When I was learning socket programming in Java (admittedly, an entirely dif...

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