User: daeiros

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User profile: daeiros

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User name:daeiros
Number of posts:20
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best way to use if statement?
[code] for (int column = 0; column < m_height; column++) ...

how does this program work
its 1 for the first run. less then 6, so it runs again after adding 2 to get 3, still less then 6, r...

what is wrong with this program
yeah i realized that... that why i edited. uhh the only error i get is the fact that in order to cou...

how does this program work
no that is confusing, i get 8 too. lets see here, unknown 1 ok, so x is less then 6 so we go to the ...

what is wrong with this program
some typos there on the last two in main. other then that, the code looks fine, i think you might w...

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