User: cursedemo

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User profile: cursedemo

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User name:cursedemo
Number of posts:7
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turbo c++ 4.45 on 64 bit system type
i have a problem installing turbo c++ 4.45 on my laptop that have the 64 bit system type. is there a...

Why can't I install C++?
bazzy, i think turbo c++ 4.45 are for 32 - bit system types but thanks for the reply in my post.. ....

Why can't I install C++?
phylter, can you email me the instructions in installing the turbo c++ 4.45 using dosbox? here is ...

Why can't I install C++?
phylter, can you email me the instructions in installing the turbo c++ 4.45 using dosbox? here is ...

Why can't I install C++?
phylter, if i install turbo c++ 4.45 in 64 - bit system type by the use of wow64, is that a good ide...

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