User profile: cstorm

User info
User name:cstorm
Bio:I've been in Highschool C++ Proramming since 2010 classes started (august 20 or so). Next year our school has AP Programming with Java and I also plan to take it. But I'm planning for either professional computer engineering/ or a buisness career degrees from colledge after high school
Statistical data
SC2 Editor (Code) - Based after C++ for a Game
Number of posts:37
Latest posts:

String input Problems
I've noticed lately I've been having lots of problems with string. I use a lot but it usually ignor...

Get Int from file?
Fixed it, it was in the the folder, but in the first, not the deepest project folder. But now i have...

Get Int from file?
My current code is [code]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using names...

Main Parameters
What console arguments would you have access to? What would they do? and what purpose would I need t...

Basic Game
You need an GUI like alleggro to do something like this. Normal console wasn't created to support us...